Unleash Your Creativity: For Parents, Teachers, and Young People
One day I was sitting with my husband, talking about my love for creativity and the need and desire I had for writing and discussing with people about unleashing their creativity. I explained that over the years, I have stopped seeing some people as creative and others as not. Instead, I see everyone as creative in their different ways.
From sitting and observing people going about their day to speaking to writers, singers, and actors or meeting with my friends who work in jobs such as finance and law or some who are ‘stay-at-home mummies and daddies,’ I observe creativity in each one of them. Through my eyes, I see that everyone has creativity within, but in different ways, and some of us have become better at recognising it and unleashing it than others.
Some of us have already tapped into our creativity and live in that sphere, whilst others never admit to themselves that they enjoy their creativity or are ready to share it. I recently spoke with an academic man who loves to observe the stars. He is very scientific in his outlook. He said he never saw himself as creative. As he told me about his passion for stars, I stopped him and told him he was so eloquent and effusive as he spoke about the stars and that he had caused me to see their beauty in a different way. When I told him this, he recognised his creativity.
With passion comes creativity. We all have it within us to be passionate, and we all have it within us to be creative. So why does this matter? Because I believe being creative is a fundamental part of being human. By unlocking it, we liberate positive energy that is good for our mental well-being, productivity and sense of achievement. This is important for all of us, especially children and young people.
In this social media and instant access era, unleashing our creativity can provide a sense of self-worth, well-being, and focus that anchors us in an ocean of opinions, criticism, and pressure. This is why I am writing this. I hope that in sharing some of my personal experiences throughout my life, you feel inspired to find your creative voice and lifelong creative confidence in all areas of your life.
Creativity is unlearning the limitations we place on ourselves as we grow up.
In my years of working in music and TV, I have seen how much I have evolved from being a backing vocalist to being a vocal coach, then working with a great deal of well-known music television shows in the UK and Los Angeles, and at times in New York. This all led me to open up an Artist Development business in London and Los Angeles and get involved in different initiatives centred around creativity.
Today, people often ask me how I was able to adapt, change, and be flexible in such a successful way in different territories. Whenever I am asked this, I quickly say – “It is not because I’m special, but because I was taught from a young age that anything is possible, and the creative arts would be my guide.”
My Creative Vocal Coaching Journey!
I was fortunate that I had a mother who encouraged me to be creative and academic, as well as attended a school that allowed me to celebrate my creativity, which helped my academics. I was born in Trinidad in the Caribbean, and at the age of 14, I moved to London with my mother and sister to pursue my passion. My creative journey began at the London College of Music, where I studied classical and pop music and often visited the Barbican Centre and the V&A museum.
In these formative years, my mother’s philosophy was that it did not matter what I wanted to do when I became an adult, but it was important to do things properly, wholeheartedly and with pride. In visiting places such as the V&A museum in South West London, I fell in love with the fact that there were galleries that covered so many areas – from the history of the past and present as well as music, performance, costumes, manuscripts, different periods, art, photography and the list goes on.
This fostered my dream that “anything is possible” and cemented my future of full creativity instead of creating restrictions of lack of confidence as I got older. My passion became more robust, and I began to see aspects of my dream to work in the industry unfold before my eyes.
Creativity Is For Everyone
From my perspective as a creative vocal coach, I believe that creativity, as a general term, can be misunderstood. It does not have to mean that somebody is artistic or naturally gifted in art subjects, but it can also be a shift of energy.
Even someone working in finance, retail or manual labour has creativity inside them. What’s more, I think creativity is essential and should never be ignored. It does not matter what kind of family you come from; we all need creativity.
Creative Arts touches our hearts and appeals to our eyes and ears as well as the simple touch where our entire being becomes ignited and connected to life. I also see the creative arts constantly contributing financially and mentally to our country.
I am confident that many people in parliament or private companies, as well as parents and teachers, will agree with this bold statement, which is why we need to develop more creative solutions than ever.
Why do we need more creative solutions in our everyday life now?
Because of 2 significant worldwide changes that have happened in our time:
The Digital Era:
The digital era that we live in has changed life on many levels. While we have achieved great things in this era, we have also seen people from all walks of life, from educational institutions to corporate companies, struggle with effective communication. However, people from the creative work have shown a constant bed of wonderful lines of communication through art.
The Global Pandemic:
The way we work has significantly changed. Companies on all levels have had to bend and adjust for life to carry on, and in the same way, we should bend and expand with the creative arts.
I launched an initiative called “Power Of Muzik” in 2018 and 2019 with celebrities and support from radio and platforms such as BBC, ITV and BPI. It was a youth empowerment programme where I encouraged young TV artists to visit schools across the country while touring in big arenas. They were singing and performing their new singles using all five senses. Open discussions about creativity also helped students to do subjects at school and exams, and improve communication with their teachers and parents.
I noticed a noticeable shift in brain function in many of the young people, as well as the teachers and parents who heard about the Power of Muzik. It showed a positive reaction that I never expected to the degree it did, as it showed in young people and adults that learning in different ways helps us all to solve problems.
My thoughts on creative voices and creative confidence were developing skills, which opened and supported potential jobs that the next generation could have in an easier way.
Why Creative Voices?
When we were babies, the primary way of telling our parents that we were hungry or in need of something was to make a sound with our voices.
As we got older as children, we were instinctively taught by adults to ask questions and sit silently at other times. We were also taught actions such as holding and pushing. We were taught verbal and non-verbal reasoning – even if we did not term it that way. These are all creative forms.
Creative Confidence
Every child has a unique voice and thoughts they would like to share with the world, even before they learn to articulate words.
For timid kids, speaking in front of others can be daunting, and they may lack the courage to express themselves or worry about saying the wrong thing, sounding stupid, or being laughed at.
In contrast, some bold children may speak without thinking, interrupting others, and end up with a whirlwind of words that are difficult to comprehend. This can be just as frustrating for the child and the listener, as it can be challenging to get a word in edgewise or to understand what the child is trying to say.
That said, whatever your child’s personality, you need not wait until they perform before a crowd to start working on their confidence in communicating effectively. You can begin by modelling confidence and providing opportunities for your child to practice with you in a safe and supportive environment.
Children confident in their communication abilities are more likely to excel in school and social situations. They will have better relationships, be more successful in their careers, and lead happier lives.
Conversely, children who struggle to communicate effectively often have a hard time in school and social situations. They may be passed over for opportunities or friendships because they cannot express themselves. This can have lasting effects on their self-esteem and confidence and can affect their ability to succeed in life.
Be a good role model
If you want your children to be confident in speaking, you need to model confidence yourself. Let them see you engaged in conversations and speaking up for yourself. In addition, spend time discussing with them to help them become comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings.
Listen to them. Effective communication is a two-way street. Your children need to know that their thoughts and opinions matter to you to feel confident in speaking. Listening to them will affirm their worth and let them know that you value what they have to say. Aim to give them your undivided attention and avoid distractions.
Organise Performances and presentations
One way to help your children communicate effectively is to have them practise in front of an audience. This could be as simple as having them give a presentation to the family about their favourite hobby or organising a small performance for you and their friends.
This will not only give them a chance to hone their communication skills but also help them overcome any stage fright or nerves they may have. Knowing that you are in their corner and cheering them on will boost their confidence even more.
Encourage them to join extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are an excellent way for children to build confidence in speaking. They will be around other kids their age and have to communicate with them regularly, and this will help them develop social skills and learn how to express themselves effectively.
There are a variety of extracurricular activities to choose from, including how to sing or play a musical instrument. Museums are a potent tool for boosting confidence, partly because it enables children to explore themselves and creatively express their emotions.
The tips above will give you some ideas on how to do this. Remember to be supportive and encouraging. With your help, your children will develop the communication skills and confidence they need to make their voices heard loud and clear.
Creative voices, creative confidence, and developing skills from a young age will help children get jobs they are passionate about from all walks of life.
Let’s start a programme of discussions with peers and parents…
I do not have all the answers to the questions, but I aim to open these discussions, so we can move into the next phase of education. As I said, the key is the curriculum for primary and secondary schools, but to do this, we need to join together for regular meetings and assessments so that the transition can happen.
The Creative Arts have a strong voice which unites us all as one, and it can help us in all aspects of life. From peers to parents to friends, education is beautiful, life is beautiful, and the creative arts are a voice that will always tell a story.