Celebrity Vocal & Performance Coach. Entrepreneur. Champion for Creativity.

About Me

CeCe is an international vocal and performance coach renowned for her work with industry giants such as the BBC, Paramount, Warner Bros, and Universal.

At 14, she moved to London and studied at the London College of Music, adopting a lifelong ethos of excellence in her craft.

Her career began in the vibrant musical landscape of Trinidad, leading her to perform alongside Diana Ross as a classically trained backing singer. Today, known as “The UK’s Vocal Whizz,” CeCe has enjoyed a 29-year career, enriching the vocal talents of performers on prestigious platforms including the Eurovision UK Jury and major BBC programs like ‘Let’s Sing and Dance for Comic Relief as well as extending overseas on esteemed productions, including the Grammy Awards, American Idol and the American Music Awards, showcasing her pivotal role in shaping performers for the world stage.

CeCe’s influence reaches beyond music and television, encompassing roles such as a dedicated patron of the V&A Museum and a contributor to the Music Relief Foundation, which supports disadvantaged youth. Having collaborated with notable actors and directors for top studios like HBO and Paramount Pictures, she uses her extensive experience to foster potential and inspire creativity across various disciplines.

Her commitment to the arts is further demonstrated through her educational outreach and innovative projects, such as her book “If You Can Speak, You Can Sing” and the upcoming “Unleash Your Creativity.” These endeavours aim to transform the power of the arts and encourage personal growth through creative expression.


for life beyond singing

6 Part Mini-Masterclass

Our voice is one of the most important tools we have for communication, yet many of us never think to train it or understand how we can use it more effectively.

In this course, I enable you to “Hack Your Voice” through an assortment of vocal exercises I have learned over my many years as a coach.

This series will include mini-lessons such as:


the critically acclaimed book by CeCe Sammy Lightfoot

My Music Miracle

‘If You Can Speak, You Can Sing’ draws upon my professional life as a vocal and motivational coach and my personal life as a survivor of a brain aneurysm, which left me unable to speak or breathe independently. Music played a vital role in my recovery, and I believe it can be for you, too.

This book offers vocal tips and tricks, including real-life stories of rising music stars Asher Knight and Luna Martinez, both of whom have experienced bullying, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Vocal Technique Exercises


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